Getting Started in Project Management

Автор(ы):Martin Paula, Tate Karen
Год изд.:2001
Описание: About the Authors - Introduction - Chapter 1 - The Basics – Chapter 2 - Initiating a Project – Chapter 3 - Leading the Project Team - Chapter 4 - Kicking Off the Project - Chapter 5 - Planning the Scope - Chapter 6 - Organizing the Project - Chapter 7 - Assessing Risk – Chapter 8 - Developing a Schedule – Chapter 9 - Developing a Budget - Chapter 10 - Assembling the Project Plan - Chapter 11 - Team-Based Tools - Chapter 12 - Executing the Plan - Chapter 13 - Closing Out the Project - Chapter 14 - Summing Up - Appendix A Project Leadership Self-Assessment - Appendix B Thinking Styles - Appendix C Sample Team Contract - Appendix D MT Problem Solving Methodology - Appendix E Project Management Self-Assessment - Glossary – Index.
Оглавление: About the Authors [vii]
Introduction [1]
The Basics [7]
Initiating a Project [29]
Leading the Project Team [49]
Kicking Off the Project [66]
Planning the Scope [83]
Organizing the Project [98]
Assessing Risk [114]
Developing a Schedule [128]
Developing a Budget [147]
Assembling the Project Plan [155]
Team-Based Tools [170]
Executing the Plan [190]
Closing Out the Project [207]
Summing Up [218]
Appendix A Project Leadership Self-Assessment [227]
Appendix B Thinking Styles [231]
Appendix C Sample Team Contract [233]
Appendix D MT Problem Solving Methodology [239]
Appendix E Project Management Self-Assessment [241]
Glossary [245]
Index [255]
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Рейтинг: 97 Рейтинг
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